The word for my weekend has been FEAR. I attended a retreat sponsored by the women’s ministry at my church and the theme passage was Luke 12:32-34 which begins “Fear not, little flock…”. I went to a breakout session that my friend Althea led and she taught from 2 Chronicles 20 which has a verse that has recently become a favorite of mine, “… For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you” (v12b). I went to Bible study Sunday morning and my friend Bill taught a great lesson on Psalm 56. Verse three of that Psalm is one I learned as a child, “When I am afraid, I will trust in You.”
What do you fear? That's an easy one for me – snakes and rodents. I know they are part of God’s creation and important in the food chain but those are two links I can do without, thankyouverymuch. But deeper than personal phobias, we fear things like losing our job, losing family members, national security, the future, ungodly leaders, the unknown, health problems, financial woes, CHANGE… the list is potentially endless!
One of the things we discussed was how fear affects us. It is interesting to study our physiological response to fear: increased heart rate and respiration, release of adrenaline, changes in blood circulation, etc. The “fight or flight” response is an amazing thing God wired in us, but beyond the initial bodily reaction, the way we respond to fear speaks volumes about our faith.
It’s perfectly normal to be emotionally-shaken when the storms of life come crashing down on us, but we need to remember that we don’t face them alone. When a violent storm arose on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus’ disciples did what we often do – they managed on their own until things got out of control, then they looked for Jesus. Imagine their disbelief when they found Him ASLEEP in the stern! The anxious disciples woke up the snoozing Savior and said, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” (Mark 4:38). Interesting that they didn’t ask him to help reef the sails or bail water, they asked if He cared about their situation. It’s easy for us to fall into that same trap of wrong-thinking, “God, don’t You CARE that I’ve got cancer? Don’t You CARE that I lost my job? Don’t You CARE that…”
Feelings and emotions are powerful and they have the potential to send us spiraling into a pit of despair, but we can have command over them by the power of God’s SPOKEN Word. I’ve collected scripture over the years that address specific situations and when I begin to feel strangled by my emotions, I confess “This is what I FEEL (fear, anger, doubt, despair…) but this is what I KNOW (insert applicable verse here!)” and I continue on, reciting His attributes: goodness, faithfulness, compassion, love, grace, mercy; He is all-knowing, all-powerful, ever-present… Psalm 22:3 tells us that God inhabits the praises of His people, so when we open our mouths to declare His praise, we open the door for His presence to wash over us with a peace that is incomprehensible.
Something else that I’ve found helpful is to ask myself, “What is the WORST thing that can happen to me?” and then remember that regardless of what happens and where I end up, God will BE THERE! That path may be steep and rocky and treacherous, but He will have walked EVERY STEP of that path with me and will have a PLAN for me THERE! And His plans are designed for our good and for His glory so FEAR NOT, little flock!!
BTW I took that photo -- It's the Sea Of Galilee!
ReplyDeleteAs I age and aches and pains become more prominent, I am reminded even more often of His care. Thanks for the reminder that He is aware and is "walking EVERY STEP" with me. God always brings His message forward in some manner to grow us and mature us in each trial we experience. Thanks for your timely message.
ReplyDeleteIt is so comforting for me to know that God is with me at all times. It is also very humbling, as I know that I am so undeserving of his grace and mercy. Fear can be so disabling, but God is, as you said, ever present, and will guide us through the storm - all we have to do is trust in Him. I pray that everyone will accept Christ as their personal savior and experience the peace I feel in knowing that one day we will be with the Lord.