Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Headline News: Where Did They Go?

These are notes from my pastor's sermon series entitled "Last Days."  While I am a copious note-taker (and don't want them to go to waste!), I do NOT intend that they replace Pastor Bryan's preaching! Hopefully they will serve as a helpful outline as you listen to the actual sermon, which is available for viewing here:

May 9, 2010 ~ Dr Bryan Smith, First Baptist Church Roanoke VA

"Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. According to the LORD's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the LORD, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the LORD himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the LORD in the air. And so we will be with the LORD forever. Therefore encourage each other with these words." 1 Thess 4:13-18

There will be mass chaos and confusion around the world as millions of people who hold influential positions in government, education, finance, industry, military, etc suddenly and unexplainably vanish. As Jesus taught in Matthew 24:40, "[at the coming of the Son of Man]... Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left."

That may be part of the reason that America doesn't figure prominently in the Great Tribulation period (as soon as I blog those notes, I'll post a link to it here). When the universal Church is caught away our nation will be unable to function as it does now.

1. The Prophetic Promise of the Rapture of the Church

- It is the first in the sequence of prophetic events that precede Jesus' second coming.

- The word  "rapture" is defined as the moment when every living Christian is caught up in the clouds to be with the Lord. Those believers (saints) who have died will rise first and then those who are alive will join them.  We will ALL receive our glorfied bodies and will live forever with the Lord as He promised in John 14:1.

- The word "rapture" doesn't occur in the Bible.  The root word was a Greek word that means to be snatched away, and was translated "rapturo" in Latin.  While the word itself may not occur in scripture, it very accurately describes the Biblical event.  Most evangelicals believe the rapture will occur BEFORE the wrath that is poured out on the world during the Great Tribulation.

- It is impossible to know the exact date, but God doesn't want us to be taken by surprise.  He has called us to live expectantly.

As discussed previously, there are differing opinions on when the rapture will occur: Before the Tribulation period (pre-trib), in the middle of the Tribulation (mid-trib), and at the end (post-trib).  The first two opinions believe that the rapture and the 2nd coming of the Lord are two separate events.  A pre-trib scholar contributed this acrostic to support his position:
  • P - Place of the church (not mentioned in prophecy)
  • r - Restraint (church age) ends
  • e - Exempt from Tribulation (world is judged, not the church)
  • t - Twenty-four elders (bride of Christ)
  • r - Rapture
  • i - Imminent
  • b - Blessed hope, Titus 2:13

- Interesting study of the 24 elders: There are 12 references to them, and there is scriptural evidence that they are the raptured church.  Among those references:
  • The word "elders" comes from a word that translates "congregation"
  • The number 24 corresponds with groups in the levitical priesthood 
  • Believers are considered priests, and are referred to as "the holy priesthood of Christ" (1 Peter 5:12)
  • They are seated on thrones (Rev 3:21), which angels aren't allowed to do
  • They are reigning with Christ (Rev 3:21), which believers, not angels, will do
  • They are wearing crowns (Rev 3), which angels aren't allowed to do
  • They are clothed in white and acknowledged before the angels (Rev 3:5)
  • Only the church can sing the song of the elders (Rev 5:9-10)
  • The elders are distinguished from angels (Rev 5:11)
  • They are in heaven worshiping WITH the angels (Rev  7:11)
Nothing else needs to happen on the Biblical calendar for Jesus to come for His church.

2. The Imperative Instruction in the Rapture

- It could happen at any moment because the signs of His return to earth are here. Rev 1:7, everyone will see Jesus when He returns. We aren't looking for something to happen, but for someone to return!

At the Day of Prayer that followed the Sept 11th attacks, the song "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" was sung, but the following verse was omitted:

Did we in our strength confide, our striving would be losing,
were if not for the right man on our side, a man of God's own choosing.
Dost ask who that might be? Christ Jesus it is He;
Lord Sabaoth His name, From age to age the same,
and He must win the battle.

- Live like you're dying, and remember what He has called us to do - reach the lost (Matt 28:18-20)!!

3. The Heartfelt Hope for the Rapture

At least five-fold:
The hope that Jesus Himself will return (v16)
The hope that the resurrection is coming (v16)
The hope that the rapture WILL happen (v17)
The hope that God's family will be reunited again (v17)
The hope that strengthens us for today (v18)

We don't let God's Word comfort us because we get busy and distracted, but when the diagnosis or tragedy comes, the things of the world lose their luster.

Mentioned by Pastor Bryan:
Late Great Planet Earth (book), Hal Lindsey
A Thief in the Night (movie)

Another interesting read: Left Behind series, by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins

WHEN the Rapture occurs, do you know what will happen to YOU? If not, click HERE to read my testimony. Jesus LOVES you and wants YOU to be included in the Rapture of His church!! Don't be left behind!!

When Rome Rises Again

These are notes from my pastor's sermon series entitled "Last Days."  While I am a copious note-taker (and don't want them to go to waste!), I do NOT intend that they replace Pastor Bryan's preaching! Hopefully they will serve as a helpful outline as you listen to the actual sermon, which is available for viewing here:

May 23, 2010 ~ Dr Bryan Smith, First Baptist Church Roanoke VA

 “You looked, O king, and there before you stood a large statue--an enormous, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance. The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay.While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were broken to pieces at the same time and became like chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth.”  Daniel 2:31-35

Background on this passage:  King Nebuchadnezzar had a troubling dream and asked his council to interpret it, but there was a catch: they had to TELL the king the dream and THEN interpret it!  Nebuchadnezzar was known for his cruelty.  He would bring captives and make them watch as their family was put to death.  So his advisors were terrified at his command to tell and interpret the king’s dream.  Daniel, however, was not afraid and agreed to meet with the king.  Nebuchadnezzar’s dream turned out to be a prophetic revelation from Heaven, a snapshot of what was to come with the rise and fall of empires, specifically the rising of the Roman Empire at the end of the age.

The dream and its meaning were hidden from the king because God wanted to show HIS wisdom and power and truth, and so that the world would know that HE was in control.

1. The Future Revealed

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was of an awesome, multi-faceted statue:

  • Gold head: Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian Empire, recognized as supreme, wealthy, power and the greatest kingdom in history to that point (Dan 2:38).  The rest of the statue represents FUTURE empires.
  • Silver chest: Medo-Persian Empire, with a huge army that would conquer Babylon in 593 BC (Dan 2:39)
  • Bronze abdomen: Greek Empire, led by Alexander the Great (Dan 2:39). Interesting account recorded by the Jewish historian Josephus: When Alexander the Great approached Jerusalem, the High Priest came out to meet him, wearing his full priestly dress.  Bowing before the king, the priest told him that he recognized him from Daniel’s prophecy!  Alexander the Great was so impressed that he gave Jerusalem and Israel favored status in his kingdom.
  • Iron legs: Roman Empire. This showed its great strength, but also that the kingdom would be divided into eastern (Byzantine) and western empires. (Dan 2:40)
  • Clay and Iron feet: Confederated 2nd Roman Empire, with ten toes representing ten countries from Europe and Eurasia. (Dan 2:41-43)
  • Stone cut without hands that smashed the statue: Kingdom and reign of Jesus (Dan 2:34-35, 44-45)

In Daniel 7, Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was somewhat repeated in Daniel’s OWN dream:

  • Lion with wings of an eagle: Babylon
  • Lop-sided bear with 3 ribs in his mouth: Medo-Persia
  • Leopard with 4 wings and 4 heads: Greece
  • Terrible beast with iron teeth and bronze claws: Rome
  • 10 horns: Confederation of 2nd Roman Empire
  • Little horn that uproots the 10 horns: Antichrist

2. The Empire Reborn

1948 – establishment of the state of Israel (1st prophetic event) and NATO formed.  (Also, a new organization was formed to unite European countries for lasting peace against Soviet aggression)
1957 – European Common Market formed
1993 – European Union formed
2002 – Euro became the standard European currency in 12 nations

European Union. The EU now has 27 member nations, and is one of the most prominent governing bodies in the world. This is not just an alliance, but the formation of a unified governing body centered around the European Commission, the European Parliament and a presidency that rotates among countries. Sir Winston Churchill advocated and envisioned a “United States of Europe” and it is taking place NOW.

All of the nations that made up the original Roman Empire are included in the EU except for ONE: ISRAEL.  Israel was barred from EU because they refused a land-for-peace treaty that would divide Jerusalem.

Ruler. The Antichrist will solidify his power by forming a peace treaty that will unite Israel with her Arab neighbors.  His power will come from Satan himself and foretold in Rev 13:2, “The beast [Antichrist] I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon [Satan] gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.”

He will rise to popularity and power QUICKLY, which will easily happen with global technology and sites like YouTube, Twitter and social networking.

Globalization. Consider the current mindset shift in this generation from “national interest” to “global community”.  As we move toward globalization, nations will agree to give up some freedoms, liberties and sovereignties for the promise of peace.  Things are happening EVERYDAY

European leader Paul-Henri Spaak served as Belgian Prime Minister as well as several other high-level EU positions including secretary general of NATO.  In the 1950s he gave an impassioned speech and stated:
“We do not need another committee – we have too many already.  What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all people and to lift us out of the economic mores into which we are sinking. Send us such a man, and be he good or evil, god or devil, we will receive him.”

3. The Warning Received

Scripture is trustworthy, especially Bible prophecy: it WILL happen.
The statue had a downward nature: things will go from good to bad, bad to worse.
The Lord has given us time: respond is NOW.
Jesus is the Rock not only shatters, but the Rock that SAVES.
Believe and obey.

The things foretold in Scripture WILL happen, whether the world believes it or not. What about you? Is Jesus YOUR Rock?  If not, He can be and He WANTS to be.  Click HERE to read my testimony.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Islamic Jihad - Clear and Present Danger

These are notes from my pastor's sermon series entitled "Last Days."  While I am a copious note-taker (and don't want them to go to waste!), I do NOT intend that they replace Pastor Bryan's preaching! Hopefully they will serve as a helpful outline as you listen to the actual sermon, which is available for viewing here:

April 25, 2010 ~ Dr Bryan Smith, First Baptist Roanoke VA

"There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven... Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken." Luke 21:11,26
"The LORD is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9

Fast Facts:
  • 2nd largest world religion, more Muslims than evangelicals in England, in 2nd largest religion in Eurpoe, rivals Judaism in America
  • Fastest growing religion in the world, more Muslims than Methodists and make up more than 6% of the US population.  The majority of the world Muslim community is in Asia.
  • If current birthrates continue as in present, half the global birthrate in the decades to come will be represented by Muslims.

The Religion of Islam

1. Monotheistic faith - one god, Allah. Many mistakenly believe Allah is the same as Jehovah, but this is NOT true - they are NOT the same.  Belief in ONE god doesn't mean belief in the TRUE God, and as  John 14:6 tells us, JESUS is the way, the truth, and the life and NO ONE comes to the Father except through HIM.

2. Founded by Mohammed in 600AD and based on visions he first believed were from demons. After he had been choked three times, one of his 15 wives convinced him that the angel Gabriel was the messenger of his visions. Because of the polytheistic culture they lived in and the belief that there was only one god, they ‘named’ their god “Allah” after the moon god their family worshiped.  His promotion of Islam turned to military agression where he said that Allah told him to fight people until they became Muslim.  He was on a holy struggle to convert or conquer until his death in 632 AD.

3. Qur'an - holy text of Islam. Mohammed was illiterate, so he memorized the teachings he received and recited them to his followers.  These writings were compiled into the Qur’an and are supplemented by the  Hedith, a collection of sayings and traditions that influence their law, culture and morality.

(The Qur'an and Hedith are not equal to scripture.  The Bible was written by revelation from God to over 40 men over a period of 1500 years, and scripture fits seamlessly together.  The Qur'an and Hedith contradict each other.)

4. The Teachings of Islam, 5 Pillars
  • To recite the Islamic creed (Shahadah) that "there is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is his messenger"
  • To pray while bowing toward Mecca 5x a day (the call to prayer)
  • To fast during the daylight hours of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan
  • To give alms to the poor (2.5% of their income)
  • To make a pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca at least once in one's lifetime 

Some Muslims believe in a 6th pillar, Jihad (holy war), which is basically two battles:  the greater  - the struggle with self, the lesser – the struggle against infidels (nonbelievers). Many Muslims believe the right to wage jihad is a command from Mohammad and is to be obeyed with the goal of worldwide domination. Mohammad was a warrior in his lifetime, as were the caliphs that followed him. Some of our presidents have claimed Islam to be a peaceful religion, but they are mistaken or misguided if they believe the essence of Islam is peace.

5. Two primary sects:  Sunni (moderates, 80%) and the Shiite (15%, radicals).  The primary difference is the belief in who was to succeed Mohammed after his death. Both sects are committed to worldwide expansion of Islam, and both recognize the "Muslim brotherhood," although they've enjoyed less than 200 years of peace since the beginning of the religion 1300 years ago.

Interesting fact:  Iranian president Amadinejad was instructed by and is a member of an ultra-radical Shiite sect that was illegal in the 1980s when the Ayatollah Khomeini was president.

Muslim brotherhood is curious, especially in response to radical terrorist attacks:  even among the moderates there is rarely a condemnation of terrorist acts, and among most Muslim nations there is rejoicing in the streets over the deaths associated with terrorism. When a Muslim converts to faith in Christ, they face the threat of persecution or torture or even death from their neighbors, government or family members.

6. Wahabbism: the growth of Islam by adherance to strict Islamic teachings. Sixty percent of mosques are funded through this movement. As the Muslim community grows, a domed mosque and a towering minaret are constructed as well as a nearby madrasah (school of indoctrination).  The minaret is where the call to prayer is made.  The goal of the movement is to change the community to be more Islamic in nature, and is embraced and promoted by Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.  In fact, besides "Mohammad," "Osama" is one of the most popular boys name among Muslims.

The Role and Reach of Islam in World Events

1. Indoctrination. Millions of children worldwide are being indoctrinated in the teachings of the Qur'an and Shari'a law in madrasahs. Compare these numbers: there are currently 24,000 public schools and colleges in America; while in the Muslim country of Indonesia alone, there are 37,362 madrasahs and most are controlled by Muslim clerics.  As some American schools are banning Christianity, others are growing in acceptance of Islam by allowing Muslim students to openly practice their faith and introduce others to it.

2. Chaos. The teaching of Islam is to eradicate the world of infidels, foremost are Christians and Jews, and to create worldwide chaos that will usher in their promised ‘messiah’ or ‘mahdi’ (may-DIE), the 12th Imam.  Muslims believe that he has been hidden by God and will come back and rule at the end of the world.  He will bring an end to tyranny and injustice (and some believe that Jesus will come in behind him to help).

3. Jihad. Part of the chaos that the radical Muslims hope to bring on is the destruction of the Great Satan (United States) and the Little Satan (Israel).  It’s believed that 20% of Muslims worldwide are radicals, an estimated 300 million. Muslim extremists believe that if you die in jihad, you are guaranteed to enter paradise.

Iranian president Amadinejhad denies the Jewish Holocaust, but then demands war against Jews and Christians for the purpose of ushering in the 12th Imam. This hatred of the west appears to be at its apex, and the events of Sept 11th are seen by some as the beginnings of the bloody confrontation that will bring the chaos desired by Islamic extremists.

4. "Evangelism." Islam is the fastest growing world religion due to the peaceful movement of Muslims into a country, and through evangelism and high birth rates the country is converted into an islamic state.

Interesting birth rate statistics:  For a culture to sustain itself, its birthrate culture must be AT LEAST 2.11.  The United States is currently 2.11 ONLY because of the Hispanic demographic.  The point-of-no-return birthrate percentage for a culture is 1.8 at which point that culture will cease to exist.  Canada is at 1.5, the average European birthrate (France, Spain, Germany, Italy, GB, etc) is 1.38. The corresponding birthrate of Muslims is an impressive 5.0, which easily makes it the fastest growing religion in Europe.

5. Opposition of Israel. According to the prophecy recorded in Ezekiel 38-39 (battle of Armeggedon), every nation listed is now primarily Muslim except for Russia, but in a few years nearly 40% of the Russian army will be Muslim.  There is a prophetic coming together of Islamic nations with the common goal of Israel's destruction.

The Responsibility of the Church toward Islam

1. Preach the truth courageously.  DO NOT COMPROMISE the message of the hope of the Gospel.  Allah is NOT Jehovah, and beware of any attempts to equate them.

2. Remember that the warfare is spiritual.  “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. “ ~Eph 6:1

The vast majority of Muslims in the world are NOT on a violent jihad, and are "nominal" in their beliefs or are Muslims in name-only.  They don't hold to all the beliefs and tenets, just as many who call themselves "Christian" aren't followers of Jesus. Many are kind and benevolent and choose to interpret the Qur'an only in a spiritual and allegorical fashion.

3. Remember that God loves Muslims and wants them to be saved. “The Lord is… patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”  ~2 Peter 3:9

If you don't know where you would spend eternity, click HERE to read my testimony.  Jesus LOVES you so much He gave His LIFE for you!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

God's Final Countdown

These are notes from my pastor's sermon series entitled "Last Days."  While I am a copious note-taker (and don't want them to go to waste!), I do NOT intend that they replace Pastor Bryan's preaching! Hopefully they will serve as a helpful outline as you listen to the actual sermon, which is available for viewing here:  http://www.firstroanoke.com/HTML/Resources/0410-LastDays/04-18-10/Viewer.shtml
This is the FIRST sermon in the series.

Apr 18, 2010 - Dr Bryan Smith, First Baptist Church Roanoke VA

"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God -- having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth."
2 Tim 3:1-7

We live in interesting times, times of danger and uncertainty. The eruption of an Icelandic volcano in the spring of 2010 has affected hundreds of thousands of people around the world. The National Day of Prayer in May was been determined to be unconstitutional. A Russian nuclear plant is scheduled to open in August 2010. Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has openly declared that Israel should be "wiped off the map" and it's reported that Iran will soon have the necessary components to build nuclear weaponry. Fifty-three percent of Americans believe that something will happen in this century that will fulfill Biblical prophecy. Interesting fact: 27% of the Bible relates to prophecy, and God is revealing it to us!

The study of Bible prophecy is valuable. No Christian would doubt the truthfulness of any Old Testament prophecies that pertain to the incarnation (birth) of Jesus because those prophecies have come true, but understand this: there is THREE TIMES as much prophecy regarding the SECOND coming of Jesus! We should study prophecy not only to grow in knowledge, but to increase our love for the Lord and be better prepared to serve Him.

1. The Importance of Bible Prophecy
Rev 1:3 teaches us that studying prophecy brings blessing.
 - It reminds us that God is in control (Rev 19:6). We can face tough times with greater confidence and peace knowing that NOTHING happens to us that hasn't been filtered through the hand of God. Regardless of what happens in this life, we know He is on His throne and love us perfectly. (John 14:27)
 - It motivates us to live holy lives. We will want to be ready for His return. (1 Peter 1:15-16)
 - It helps us keep proper priorities: making right decisions, knowing Christ and making Him known (2 Peter 3:10-13). Like the final minutes of a game, we should keep our eyes focused on our goal as time runs out.
 - It gives us hope for troubled times. God's promises are trustworthy and encourage us in godly living (1 John 3:3, Titus 2:13-14).

2. The Immediateness of God's Final Countdown
Many of us may be a part of that final generation when Jesus returns. Some of the signs that Jesus' return is near:
   revolutions (Luke 21:9),
   rise of false prophets (Mark 24:4-5),
   wars and rumors of wars (Matt 24:6),
   earthquakes in strange places (Matt 24:7),
   persecution of believers (Matt 24:9), etc.
The Bible is dependable and we can look forward to Jesus' return because the Bible says so!

Three Views of Biblical prophecy:
Postmillennialism - the thousand year earthly reign of Jesus isn't a literal period of time. This view is that now is the golden age of the church and things should become more and more Christian before Jesus returns.  This was a view at the turn of the 20th century, but has isn't widely held today.
Amillennialism - no literal thousand year earthly reign of Jesus and believes that Satan was bound at the first coming of Jesus. It teaches that at the end of time Jesus will return and usher in eternity. There isn't a Great Tribulation period.
Premillennialism - the thousand year earthly reign is a literal, future event that will occur after Jesus returns for the Church.
    Additional premillennial positions: 
        Pre-trib(ulation): Jesus will return before the 7 year tribulation period, and then reign on earth 1000 years
        Mid-trib: Jesus will return in the middle of the tribulation period (and then the millennial reign)
        Post-trib: Jesus will return at the end of the tribulation period (and then the millennial reign)

Other terms we'll study:
Rapture: 1 Thess 4:15-17, Jesus' return for His church
Antichrist: Satan's superman (2 Thess, 1 and 2 John, Revelation) who rises to power during the Great Tribulation
Great Tribulation: 7 year period & reign of the antichrist
Mark of the Beast: sign of allegiance to the antichrist. It will be require to buy or sell goods.
Armegeddon: site of a tremendous battle that will occur near the ancient city of Meggido, where Jesus destroys the enemies of God and of Israel
Second Coming: bodily, glorious, literal return of Jesus to earth to reign from Jerusalem as King of all the nations
Millennium: 1000 year earthly reign of Christ following the Great Tribulation
Great White Throne Judgment: the final judgment of the nations (Rev 20:11-15) when God resurrects ALL people and judges them, and then delivers His people to glory before He banishes the lost to an eternity in hell.

One CLEAR sign of the last days: the formation of the state of Israel in 1948.  Much of what has been prophesied in Matthew 24 and 2 Timothy 3 is happening NOW. While it's obvious that things are getting crazy, we need to remember that earth is not our home - our FINAL home is in Heaven! We shouldn't just GET ready, we should STAY ready! Pray! Be in God's Word! Live a holy life! Remember: His return will be a surprise, like a thief in the night.

3. The Importunity of God's Invitation
2 Cor 6:2 teaches us that NOW is the time to believe and trust in Jesus because He could return at ANY moment!

If you DON'T know where you stand with God and where you'll spend eternity, click HERE to read my testimony. Whether you believe it or not, Jesus IS Lord!

Who and What is the Antichrist?

These are notes from my pastor's sermon series entitled "Last Days."  While I am a copious note-taker (and don't want them to go to waste!), I do NOT intend that they replace Pastor Bryan's preaching! Hopefully they will serve as a helpful outline as you listen to the actual sermon, which is available for viewing here:  http://www.firstroanoke.com/HTML/Resources/0410-LastDays/051610/Viewer.shtml

May 16, 2010 ~ Dr Bryan Smith, First Baptist Church Roanoke VA

"Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour." 
1 John 2:18

Throughout history many individuals have been thought to be the antichrist, including Nero, Peter the Great, Osama Bin Laden, the Pope, Henry Kissinger, Sam Walton, Ronald Reagan and even the apostle Paul! There are many theories and methods that have been used to try to figure out who the antichrist is/will be, and while we don't know WHO he is, we know from Scripture WHAT he is and what his agenda will be.

Who is he? The Bible begins in Genesis with the sin of man, and ends in Revelation with the man of sin (2 Thess 2).  Revelation chapter 13 refers to hims as "the beast."  Some things we know about him:

He will be Satan's superman,
have universal power & influence over the earth,
be the supreme leader of mankind, and
unite all of humanity in a final rebellion against God, Israel and all Christians.

1. The Depiction of the Antichrist
Aside from Jesus, there has never been nor will there ever be another like him - appearing to be supreme & wise, a persuasive orator, and an effective governor and leader.  He will be unlike anything the world has ever seen.  By definition, antichrist is "any individual or group who oppose God and His plan for mankind." (1 John 2:22)  He will not only oppose Christ, but appear as though he IS Christ, the "christ" of the world.

The name "antichrist" is used in only 3 passages in Scripture
1 John 2:22, "Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist--he denies the Father and the Son."
1 John 4:3,  "... but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world."
2 John 7, "Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist."

He will EMBODY Satan himself, and will be superior in all ways to all humans but in NO WAY equal in power and authority to Jesus.

He will be a magnetic leader, captivating the entire world and able to influence the masses (Rev 13:5, Dan 11:36)

He will be a manipulative leader, cunning and shrewd and skilled politically.  If he can't dazzle, he will deceive until he dominates the world (Dan 8:23, 11:21, 7:8).

     He won't have in impressive pedigree or be born into royalty, which will make him universally relateable and accepted.
     He'll likely be a European Gentile, and not of Jewish descent; will be attractive and cosmopolitan (Dan 7:20, Rev 13:1)

In Rev 13:1, he is depicted as a horned dragon coming out of the sea: the sea and water are symbolic of humanity, specifically Gentile nations.  Horns are symbolic of kings, kingdoms & governments. Every euphoric dream of the UN will be realized in him, and he'll be adored by the multitudes.

After the Rapture of the church and during the first half of the tribulation, he will begin to consolidate his power and control.  He will be the ultimate unifier and diplomat, and believed to be God's greatest gift to mankind.

One event will secure his leadership: he'll negotiate a peace treaty in the Middle East between Israel and her Arab neighbors.  This will last for three and a half years as he is perceived as a champion of Israel who allows them to build a new temple in Jerusalem.  This peace will be short-lived as revealed in Dan 9:27 when he ends temple worship.

He will be a merciless leader, unleashing his fury on the world with unimaginable horrors (Dan 7:23-25). The last three and a half years of the tribulation will reveal unprecedented persecutions and cruelty against Christians and Jews.  He will also control the world's economy - everything will be nationalized and no one will be able to buy or sell unless they have received his mark/inscription (Dan 11:43, Rev 13:16).  The atrocities of Nazi concentration camps are a mere glimpse of what's ahead for the world.

2. The Designs of the Antichrist
What could happen that would cause the world - governments and people - to lay down their identities and adopt his conformity?  Panic, confusion and fear after a universal event that is perceived as a threat to the world (the Rapture of the Church). The chaos that will ensue after so many have vanished will create worldwide terror and THEN he will then make himself known. Because people are scared they will surrender and forfeit their freedoms for the promise of the peace and protection the antichrist promises. (Keep in mind that tyrants and dictators such as Bonaparte, Lenin and Hitler have risen to power after a country or nation's calamity and confusion.)

What is his plan?  After he gains control he will engage everyone in war against Israel and God, and anyone who confesses Christ. He will seek to totally wipe out the nation of Israel.

What will happen to him? He will suffer a fatal head wound (Rev 13:3-12) and is declared dead, but will rise from the dead.  This will cause his adoring followers to believe him to be God.

What will he be like? He will embody the leadership skills of Washington and Lincoln, the eloquence of Roosevelt and Reagan, the charisma of Kennedy and Obama, the political savvy of Johnson and Clinton, the intellect of Jefferson and Adams, and the charm of Teddy Roosevelt.  He'll be recognized as the greatest leader in history.

Just as Lucifer led 1/3 of the heavenly hosts in rebellion against God (Is 14:12-14), the antichrist will lead humanity in the rebellion against God. To secure his reputation and power, he will also demand to be worshiped.

How close could we be to these events?  VERY. The US government is developing a supercomputer that can continuously track all financial transactions in this country.  It is called the Federal Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and has the capacity to track financial transactions not only here in the US, but in around the world (as is currently done with links to INTERPOL). Technological advances such as electronic financial transactions and implanted tracking devices are becoming accepted and even commonplace in society.

3.  The Defeat of the Antichrist 
Rev 13:5,7 - he will be given power, but his defeat is sure. (2 Thess 2:8, Rev 19:20-21)

What should we be doing in the meantime?  Make the most of the time we have, carrying out the Great Commission and praying for others to come to know Jesus!

This is some seriously scary stuff, but Christians are NOT without hope!!  If you wonder about your relationship with the Lord, you can settle it once and for all.  Click HERE to read my testimony.

What's Ahead For America

Our pastor is preaching a sermon series on Last Days, and his sermons have been riveting!  I've decided to take notes on my Blackberry so I'll have an electronic copy of my notes for reference.  My plan is to blog my sermon notes and then provide the link for anyone who would like to listen to his sermons online!! 

These are merely MY notes, and are in no way intended to replace Pastor Bryan's peaching!  His sermon may be viewed here:  http://www.firstroanoke.com/HTML/Resources/0410-LastDays/062710/Viewer.shtml

June 27, 2010 ~ Dr. Bryan Smith, First Baptist Church Roanoke VA

"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people."
Prov 14:34

I. The Foundations of America
Inscribed on the east side of silver tip of the Washington Monument are the words "Laus Deo" which means "praise be to God"

* The United States were founded on Christian faith and was intended to be a Christian nation. It is the foundational influence on every facet of our nation.

* Our 5% of the world's population
    Enjoys 50% of world's wealth
    Sends 75% world's missionaries
    Israel's strongest ally 

Christians are to be the salt and light of the world if we're to remain the Land of the Free. The Gospel is the foundation of freedom, unlike other religions whose foundation is conquest.

II. The Failures of America
* Abandoned Christian foundation and principles
* No absolutes
* Our greatest enemy is from within, and includes the disintegration family and the resulting lack of character and integrity
* Dishonorable parents + Disobedient children = Destroyed nation

III. The Future of America
"America" not refered to in the Bible (only nations mentioned are biblical kingdoms) 
* Coming shaking of the nations, Hag 2:6, Matt 24 - Events like Sept 11, war or economic collapse
* Explosion of Knowledge, Dan 12:4
     50% of inventions have happened in last 10 yrs.
     World knowledge is doubling every year
* Increasing Immorality and Apostasy, 2 Tim 3
* Watch the company you keep

America won't be a superpower, something cataclysmic will happen such as:
 - We'll be incorporated into the revived Roman empire (one of the 10 kingdoms)
 - We'll fall to an outside power or coalition of nations (increasing vulnerability with 13 trillion dollars of debt, indebtedness to China, dependence on foreign oil, increase of terrorism, economic instability, etc)
 - We'll be so weakened internally that our influence won't matter
 - We'll be forever changed because of the Rapture (impact on business, economy, government, etc will cause chaos and confusion

Conclusion:  America needs...
Leaders like Moses
Army generals like Joshua
Politicians like Joseph
Preachers like Peter
Mothers like Hannah
Children like Samuel
Physicians like Luke
A God like Israel's
A Savior like Jesus

While America's future seems uncertain, the future of a Christian is secure!  If you're unsure of your OWN future, click HERE to read my testimony.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Ok, I'll admit that lately I've been slacking on my blog posts.  It's not that I haven't wanted to post anything, it's just that I've been busier than a one-legged man in a booty-kicking contest!!

In the past month, we spent a week in Cancun...

Scott moved home from college and began the transfer process... Goodbye, St Andrews - Hello, Hokies!!
Sarah graduated...

my mom celebrated her 70th birthday, and this past weekend my parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary!

We all (sisters & families) spent the weekend with them at Chetola Resort in Blowing Rock, NC and it was FABULOUS!  If you've never been there, we highly recommend this gorgeous mountain resort!!

Of course there have been various other things going on, so I've been trying to keep the bills paid, the fridge stocked and the laundry done.

But I'm BACK and almost back on a routine, if you can HAVE a routine in the summer. We're studying Corinthians in our Life Group this summer, and I've taught a couple of lessons so far.  Right now I'm studying...

This week I'm teaching on chapter 7, and I'm finishing up that lesson today.  I'll post a review of chapters 1-6 in a day or so.

Hope everybody is having a fun summer!!