First there was Happy Music Monday, because it's always good to start the week with a happy song in your heart. Now there is Random Wednesdays, because... well, just because. My family knows I have a lot of random thoughts, some deep and some not-so-deep. It's not my fault. God puts ideas in my head and I need them to come out. Maybe some of y'all can relate to my random thoughts, but if not - at least it'll make you ponder. Or laugh. Or roll your eyes. Whatever.
Today I was thinking about fireworks. At last week's Thursday Night ESPN College Football game, where my beloved Virginia Tech Hokies squeaked out a win over Georgia Tech (for heaven's sake, don't get the Stilwell men started on that), there was a huge fireworks display after the game. Remember how exciting it was to watch those as a little kid? Well, the little kid in me still thinks they are pretty exciting. This is probably because the little kid in me is more prominent than the grown-up in me. Anyway...
Historians tell us that the Chinese invented fireworks in the 12th century and they are still the world's leading manufacturer and exporter, but who came UP with that? Seriously, the idea of treating gunpowder to produce a kaleidoscopic shower of sparks, stuffing it in casings, layering the casings in a tube, and then igniting the tube and launching it into the sky? How amazing is THAT??
And how FUN is it to think that our Creator God, who spoke the world into existence and holds all things in the palm of His hand, put that idea into some Chinese dude's (or dude-ette's) head back in 1100-something?
As fascinated as I am with a flashy fireworks display, I want to be even more fascinated with God. He is the Author of fascination, wonder and delight and as I sit in His presence each day, not only do I want to find forgiveness, comfort, wisdom, grace, peace, joy... but I also want to find energy and excitement and amazement!
God can never run out of ways to thrill us, but I confess that it's something I don't really ask of Him. Oh, I spend time doing all the usual "prayer things" such as ACTS (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication) but I wonder what He would do if I asked Him to fascinate me? Oh, I know He's not obligated to fascinate me, but that can't be a common prayer request, so I bet He'd at least chuckle! And just maybe... hmm.
Because I LOVE to study His Word, I suspect that will be the vehicle He uses most of the time. But He also knows I'm constantly amazed at the beauty in nature with things such as sunrises, sunsets and flower blossoms. And expressions in art like building designs, dance steps and chord progressions.
I think it's fascinating the ideas He puts in people's heads.
All photos are used by permission of Jerald Winter Photography, my fabulously talented brother-in-law. Check out his magnificent photography!
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