Sunday, August 29, 2010

Israel's Role In Christ's Return

These are notes from my pastor's sermon series entitled "Last Days." While I am a copious note-taker (and don't want them to go to waste!), I do NOT intend that they replace Pastor Bryan's preaching! Hopefully they will serve as a helpful outline as you listen to the actual sermon, which is available for viewing here:


Ezekiel 46:26-28

The reunification of the nation of Israel occurred in 1948, a key event in biblical history as zionist leader Chaim Wiezmann became the first Israeli president.

1. The BLESSING of Israel

According to Bible scholar John Phillips, one of the most remarkable things about the nation of Israel is that they are God's timepiece for the world. They also gave us our Bible, our Savior and our church.

Genesis 12 is the account of the calling of Abram (Abraham). God's unconditional covenant with him is just as applicable today as it was then. It wasn't about man's faithfulness to God, but about His faithfulness to us. What He promised to him had three facets:
Personal blessings - property and possessions
National blessings - descendants
Universal blessings - for all people through Jesus

Our relationship with God is also secure because of His faithfulness to us. Does that mean that God doesn't care if we sin? NO - He cares!

Sin won't affect our right standing with God, but it WILL cause us to miss out on His blessings and plans for our lives on earth. It will also effect our eternal blessing and reward, and it will cause us to lose the joy of having an effective ministry here and now. Our relationship with Him isn't only about going to Heaven when we die, but it's about experiencing the full power and blessing of a spirit-filled life here on earth.. Be obedient!

2. The PURPOSE of Israel
Jesus Christ and His redemption of mankind.

Sovereign design of His purpose:
Why Israel and not Egypt, Greece, Turkey or a larger, more powerful nation? He wanted to bring glory to His name so He chose an unlikely tiny nation to reveal His power, faithfulness, mercy and love.

The assault against His purpose:
- The world is united against them, even many in America are more sympathetic with the Muslim world
- God blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who curse her.
- She is still in a precarious position with fragile borders and radical, hostile neighbors who are forming alliances against her.

There is a dangerous international dependence on oil exports from the middle east, and there is a growing belief that there are significant oil deposits in Israel. If she has wealth that rivals that of her Arab neighbors, between the hatred of the radical Muslims and the threat of their economic collapse, the stage will be set for global unification. The world will feel the need for a global leader who can bring peace (antichrist). Men will trade freedoms when their hearts are overwhelmed with fear.

3. The RESCUE of Israel

Major prophecies waiting to be fulfilled:
- Reunification of Israel and the expansion of her borders
- Antichrist will make a seven-year peace treaty with them
- Jewish people will rebuild the third Temple in Jerusalem
- Russia and her Islamic allies will invade the nation of Israel when she is at peace
- Antichrist will desecrate the Temple
- Jewish people will flee into the wilderness/mountains
- Two-thirds of Jewish people will perish during the tribulation
- The armies will gather at Megiddo
- Jerusalem will be taken
- Jesus will return and many Jewish people will accept Him as Messiah

- Israel is important because God made a covenant with her. If our nation takes a stand against Israel, we should expect God's judgment to come against us.
- There is still only one way for a Jewish or a Gentile person to be saved - believe on the Lord Jesus.
- Christians need to recognize and respect God's covenant and support Israel because of God's covenant.
- Every believe should live with expectancy and excitement that Jesus is coming again
- Rebirth of the nation of Israel and current events remind us that the last days are upon us.

Christ WILL return for His church, and then return to rule over the earth. Will you be ready? Click here to be sure!

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

These are notes from my pastor's sermon series entitled "Last Days." While I am a copious note-taker (and don't want them to go to waste!), I do NOT intend that they replace Pastor Bryan's preaching! Hopefully they will serve as a helpful outline as you listen to the actual sermon, which is available for viewing here:


"For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will. Unless those days had been cut short, no life would have been saved ; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. Then if anyone says to you, 'Behold, here is the Christ,' or 'There He is,' do not believe him. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect." ~Matt 24:21-24 (NASB)

The INITIATION of the Last Days

- God has a plan and finishes what He starts
- Man cannot stop His plan
- Payday is coming - you will reap what you sow: more thank you sow, later than you sow.

The REVELATION of the Last Days (Rev 6:1-11)
Four horsemen are the first four of the seven "seal judgments"

1st - riding a white horse, holding a bow and crown, bent on conquest (rescuer, bow but no arrows, seems to offer security and is given authority, has mastery uses anything to gain power - antichrist?)

2nd - riding a red horse, takes peace and causes men to slay each other, had a large sword (bloodthirsty, hatred, peace exchanged for terror)

3rd - riding a black horse, holding scales (mourning, hunger and famine, economic disaster and moral decay and collapse for some but not those in power, mark of the beast?)

4th - riding a pale horse, rider name death, hell follows. Given power to kill 1/4 earth by sword, famine, plague and wild beasts/pestilence (Despair, armed with 4 weapons for destruction)

The fourth horse will come at the mid-point of the tribulation period, after which increasingly horrific judgments will be unleashed on the earth (Great Tribulation). 

The CULMINATION to the Last Days

- Suffering increases when we run from God.
- Suffering can cause us to return to Christ and realign us when we surrender.
- Great Tribulation isn't the end - Look for Jesus' return!

The Great Tribulation will be an awful time, but Christians aren't without hope! You can KNOW your eternity is secure - click HERE to find out how.

When Jesus Comes Again

These are notes from my pastor's sermon series entitled "Last Days." While I am a copious note-taker (and don't want them to go to waste!), I do NOT intend that they replace Pastor Bryan's preaching! Hopefully they will serve as a helpful outline as you listen to the actual sermon, which is available for viewing here:


For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather. Immediately after the distress of those days " 'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.' At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory." ~Matt 24:27-30 (NASB)

Consider the most significant news events in the past 100 years. For Bible scholars it would include the reunification of the nation of Israel in 1948, but at some point in the future the headline will read "Jesus returned to earth!" He WILL return visibly, physically, personally, suddenly, dramatically, majestically, gloriously and triumphantly! 

The only event that MUST happen before the rapture of the church is the reunification of the nation of Israel, and a series of events will follow that will usher in the tribulation period. It is likely that Israel will be attacked but will be supernaturally protected by the hand of God. An event will occur that allows the antichrist to rise to power and establish a peace treaty in the middle east. It will appear to be a long-lasting treaty, but then the antichrist along with the ten kings from the revived Roman empire will begin to persecute and seek to destroy the Jewish people. They will flee into the mountains as the antichrist begins an evil and maniacal reign. As soldiers converge in the Jezreel valley to fight the battle of Armageddon, Jesus returns and hundreds of millions of unbelievers die as Jesus speaks against them. (Those Christians who manage to live to the end of the Great Tribulation will be spared.) Jesus throws the antichrist and the false prophet into the pit of hell, and Satan is bound in the abyss for 1000 years.

When Jesus sets foot onto the earth for the first time, it will be on the Mount of Olives and He will establish His millennial kingdom of peace with a new world-wide government based in Jerusalem.

1. The EXPECTATION of His Coming
It's important not to confuse the rapture of the church with the second coming of Christ. At the rapture, Jesus comes FOR His church. At His second coming, He comes WITH His church. The saints will return with Him and will be a part of His government.

How can Jesus defeat the armies of the antichrist with a word? Remember that God spoke into the void and the world was created. Jesus spoke to the storms and quieted them. He spoke to the soldiers in the Garden of Gethsemane and they fell to the ground. He spoke to Lazarus and raise him from the dead. A word is all He needs.

1 Thess 5:9 - Christians don't need to be worried about the antichrist or the tribulation period because we'll be with Jesus!

Fast facts about the second coming:
- It's referred to in 23 of the 27 New Testament books
- 318 NT chapters refer to it
- 8x more references to it than for his first coming
- 1,845 explicit references throughout the Bible
- 21 times Jesus talked about it Himself
- 50 times people are encouraged to be ready for His coming.

The first coming was as a Suffering Servant and Savior, the Lamb of God, wrapped in swaddling clothes surrounded by animals and commoners, and His voice was a gently cry.

The second coming will be as a Conquering King in His glory, the Lion of Judah, dressed in robes of righteousness dipped in blood and accompanied by armies of angels and by His church, and His voice will be a roll of thunder.

Be faithful, consistent, DOING and waiting for Him.

2. The REALIZATION of His Coming
Jude 1:14-15 even during the tribulation period there will be those who harden their hearts, even with testimonies of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists and the two witnesses.

Two suppers will take place: 
- the birds' supper of the corpses on the plains of Armageddon, and 
- the wedding supper of the Lamb.

Jesus will reclaim the world and defeat the enemies of God. He will set up His kingdom and reestablish the throne of David.

3. The APPLICATION of His Coming
How audacious is the world to think they could oppose God? He ALWAYS wins!

The study of God's Word helps us have His perspective on our circumstances and know His will. We should be motivated to live for Him and:
1 Thess 4 - encourage the brokenhearted
1 John 2 -  live holy lives
Heb 2 - don't ignore the church
1 cor 11 - take Lord's supper regularly
1 Thess 3 - love others 
1 Cor 4 - don't judge others
Jude 1 - become soul winners

A great time of praise is coming for the nation of Israel. Orthodox Jewish congregations still don't use musical instruments in their worship (Ps 137), but when Messiah comes and establishes His kingdom they will praise Him with all they have!

"Sing, O Daughter of Zion; shout aloud, O Israel! 
Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, O Daughter of Jerusalem!
The Lord has taken away your punishment,
He has taken back your enemy.
The Lord, the King of Israel, is with you;
never again will you fear any harm.
On that day they will say to Jerusalem, 
'Do not fear, O Zion; do not let your hands hang limp. 
The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, 
He will rejoice over you with singing.'"
Zephaniah 3:14-17 (NIV) 

Do you know which of the two suppers you'll attend? Click here to learn how you can be at the wedding supper of the Lamb!

Preparing For Armageddon

These are notes from my pastor's sermon series entitled "Last Days." While I am a copious note-taker (and don't want them to go to waste!), I do NOT intend that they replace Pastor Bryan's preaching! Hopefully they will serve as a helpful outline as you listen to the actual sermon, which is available for viewing here:


The WATCH for Armegeddon  

Several definite signs:
- Reuniting of nation of Israel, Jewish exiles returning to their homeland
- Reunification of Europe, no passports needed to travel between countries, common currency (Euro), coalition of nations
- Resolve against Israel among Muslim nations. Many moderate Muslim nations such as Turkey are under pressure to form alliances with radical Muslim nations.

Armageddon is a real geographical location. It is situated in Galilee between Haifa, Jerusalem and Nazareth. Many battles have already been fought there through the ages: Egyptians, Crusaders, Persians, Greeks, Arabs, French, Turks, British etc. The battle will converge in the Jezreel Valley, which is surrounded by the ruins of Megiddo, Mt Tabor, Mt Carmel and Mt Gilboa.

Jezreel Valley in Israel - where the battle of Armageddon will be fought
The name "Armageddon" comes from "har" meaning "mountain," and the ancient city of "Megiddo"

The valley encompasses 4500 sq miles and several biblical battles have been recorded there:
Deborah and Barak against Canaanites (Judges 4-5),
Gideon against the Midianites (Judges 6-7),
King Saul against the Philistines (1 Samuel 31)

The battle was prophesied in Zachariah 12, and the Lord's reign in Zechariah 14the battle in the heavenlies is described in Revelation 12

Place and Event
Looking over the valley in 1799, Napoleon said all the armies of the earth could maneuver their forces there, that there was no place more suited for war, and it was the most natural battleground on earth.

This war will be a series of battles, military campaigns as entire nations come against Israel. Demonic forces are behind the hostilities against God's covenant people.

A current concern: if Iran gets nuclear weapons, there will be a sure coalition against Israel with the nations of Syria and Lebanon. Adding the support of the Turks would strengthen that coalition. If Russia joins them the climate will be right for a battle to be waged from the north against the nation of Israel. God will never allow for her destruction but with the current acquisition of weapons and the constant tensions in the area, a military strike against Israel seems imminent.

(Pastor Bryan outlined this scenario at the beginning of the Tribulation period, before Armageddon: because God will always guard over Israel, a military campaign against her will be thwarted supernaturally by His hand with events such as earthquakes, confusion on the battlefield, atmospheric events, and perhaps disease. The antichrist could rise to power because he takes credit for this miraculous rescue of Israel. The ultimate diplomatic move for him could be to allow the construction of the third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Many archeologists believe the Dome of the Rock isn't on the exact location of Solomon's Temple, and therefore could remain in place. Allowing the Jewish people to construct a temple nearby would be a sign of cooperation and diplomacy, and could be the foundation of a middle east peace treaty. But it will be short-lived, lasting only three and a half years.) 

The WAR of Armageddon
The United States has been involved in 29 military conflicts of all scales and sizes, and there have been a recorded 1,314,971 military deaths. In all of humankind there have been 83 million deaths associated with conflicts. 

Rev 14:20 Blood as deep and high as horses bridle for nearly 200 miles (1,600 stadia, full length of Israel) as attacks come from every direction.

General Douglas MacArthur understood that a such war was coming, and in Tokyo made this statement, "We had our last chance... Armageddon will be at our door."

Purpose of the Antichrist starting the war:
Satan, who is the ruler of the air, will empower him to try to destroy Israel and the Jewish people so Christ won't have a seed (nation) to rescue. Because he believes the earth is his domain, he wants to try to stop Jesus' millennial reign.

3 groups will be represented in the war: 
- All nations of world, including the nation of Israel and the Jewish people
- Antichrist, false prophet, Satan and demons (powers of evil)
- Jesus, angels and saints

In his book "The End Times, theologian Herman A. Hoyt describes the scope and size of this war:
- The center is Jerusalem 
- Kings (governments) from the four corners of the earth will converge with
- 400 million total soldiers
- Demonic forces from the center of the earth will erupt
- From what seems to be outer space (heavenlies), Jesus will return.
- Kings from the east will come with 200 million soldiers.

Seven major events will precede the war:
- Euphrates River dries up (perhaps from Turkish dams along the river)
- Antichrist's Armies gathered (Rev 16;12-16)
- Fall of Jerusalem (Zech 12:1-3, 14:1-2)
- 2nd coming of Christ (Zech 14:4)
- Rescue of Jerusalem (Zech 12:1-9)
- Remnant delivered (Is 34:1-7)
- End of beast (Rev 19:20)

Rev 16:14 talks of men battling on earth as well as demons battling the heavenly hosts

The WINNING of Armageddon
Who wins? Jesus Himself, along with thousands of millions of angels, and all the saints!!

Why does God allow Armageddon?
- Judge the nations that hate Israel
- Judge Israel for rejecting Christ as Messiah
- Demonstrate that Jesus is Lord
- Judge wickedness

According Romans 8:37 - We are more than conquerers

It Is Well With My Soul, by Horatio Spafford
Background of this hymn: Spafford had lost his business in the great Chicago fire and sent his family to Europe. En route, their ship sank and he received a telegram from his wife with two words: "Saved Alone." His 4 children perished at sea.  As Spafford sailed to join his wife and they came to the area where the ship sank, the ship's captain alerted him. As he looked over the railing into the water where his children died, he wrote to his sister that he knew his family was safe, folded in the arms of Jesus. He knew he would be there too but in the meantime he would serve and praise the Lord.

He wrote a poem that became a treasured hymn:
When peace like a river attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll, 
Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well with my soul.

The last verse to this beautiful song:
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.

Is it WELL with your soul?  Click HERE to see how it CAN be!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Five Practices of a Healthy Christian Group

Our church (First Baptist Roanoke) just wrapped up a  leadership training session called "Contagious!" The material was great and I compiled my notes for our Koinonia class members to have. The information was directed toward Life Groups and small groups, but once I got it typed up and saw it on the page, I thought it would be applicable for any Christian group! So I've decided to "cast this bread upon the waters" and trust the Lord to send it wherever it needs to go!

Five Practices of a Healthy Christian Group
Each of these has 2 applications: micro (happens each week within the group) and macro (practice outside the group).

1. Welcome – Building Community. Touch people! A “touch” has 3 components: eye contact, verbal greeting & a physical touch – look them in the eye, say something welcoming, shake hands or hug (if appropriate).  Micro: Everyone in your group (visitors and members alike) should have 4 “touches” before they reach their seats. Macro: follow-up emails, calls & visits during the week.

2. Worship – Invoking the Presence of God. This doesn’t require music or singing! Micro: “Popcorn” prayers of thanksgiving and praise. Macro: personal daily worship.

3. Word – Allowing God to Speak to You. Micro: It’s the responsibility of the teacher to ask good questions and lead the group through observing the text, understand its meaning and then how it applies to our lives. Macro: pray and read your Bible daily.

4. Works – Putting the Lesson Into Practice.  Micro: pray for each other during class. Macro: service to each other during the week (meals, visits, helping with projects, etc)

5. Witness – Becoming a People-reaching Group. Have faith that we can reach people, pray daily for each member and for our witness, love people (don’t judge), invite friends, work as a team, present the Gospel, give people the opportunity to pray to receive Christ, have parties, share testimonies, celebrate conversions.

With which “W” do you think your group is strongest?

With which “W” do you think your group needs to improve?

David Loyed: Hooking Visitors
Start on time, smile and be friendly, be positive (no complaining), listen actively (make eye-contact and pay attention), engage your “visitor radar” and be ready for them, “Forever Touch” – you never know when your contact will be one that leads them to an eternal change.

Jason Hall: High-Definition Teaching (aimed at teachers, but good for anyone in leadership)
Understand your teaching style and incorporate new skills and techniques to keep the class engaged. Prayerfully consider your strongest and weakest attributes, and ask the Lord to show you ways to grow and improve.

Understand the three different types of learners: Auditory (listeners), Visual (seers), Tactile (doers).

Nehemiah Hanson: Un-church Your Church
Make a point to avoid “churchy” phrases and “church-speak” because we are no longer a society with a Christian heritage. One in three American adults are unchurched and, according to the Barna Research Group, America is the 4th largest unreached people group in the world. (YIKES!)

Reach out without selling out - don't compromise what you believe. Use culture to reach the unchurched - understand what's happening in the world so you can know what people are hearing. Be “in the world” but not “of the world” - be salt and light. Be all things to all people - Jesus went to where the people were and ministered to them there.  

Don’t be political – Jesus is a Theocrat, not a democrat or a republican. As Christians we need to help people understand why they’re here, what their purpose is, and where they’re going when they die.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Feeling Different

My friend Joyce recently sent me a link to a video, and it got me thinking about feeling "different." Both of my kids are away at college now and classes are starting and they are settling into new routines. They are now both at big universities so they are transitioning, and I expect feeling a little bit overwhelmed and insecure.

And DIFFERENT. No longer are they in schools with their friends from kindergarten and Little League. Their living arrangements are different. Their schools are different. Their classes are different. Their friends are different. Their schedules are different. EVERYTHING is different now.

I can remember being away at college for the first time and feeling totally overwhelmed. Everywhere I looked I saw students who were smart and talented, and I compared myself to see how I measured up. And it didn't look good... I had been smart enough and talented enough to GET there, but was I smart enough and talented enough to STAY there??

The short answer to the question is "YES." I was smart and talented enough to not only stay there but to graduate, become gainfully employed, and to the great delight of my parents, become self-sufficient! But it was a struggle, and it was as much a struggle with my self as it was my course load. The lessons I learned during that time have taught me a lot about life in general.

Everywhere we look we see people who are smart and talented and seem to "have it all together," whatever THAT means. We see them leading seemingly perfect lives, and we want to have perfect lives too. So we wear a smile and hide our struggles because we want to blend in with everybody else... all of those smart and talented people without problems and issues and insecurities.

But the truth of the matter is that EVERYBODY has problems and issues and insecurities - we just don't ever TELL ANYBODY about them! We keep it all bottled up inside of us, trying to LOOK like we have it all together but knowing full-well that we DON'T. And we feel isolated... and lonely... and afraid to let people too close because then they'll see that we're different...

The happy news is that God celebrates the fact that we're all different! He knows the struggles and issues we face and He wants to teach us and help us work through them. Those things are preparing us for the plans He has for each of us in our different experiences and different jobs and different circles of influence that have been hand-picked and tailor-made for EACH of us by the Creator of the universe!!

Isn't that a RELIEF?? Y'all, I hope that statement sets somebody FREE!! God PLANNED for each of us to be different and He doesn't WANT us to be like anybody else except Jesus!! All He wants is for me to be is the best ME I can be, and for you to be the best YOU you can be!

Thanks, Joyce. This one's for you :)

This video can be viewed on YouTube, scutter4christ 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

21 Suggestions for Success

This is a repost from last August when I was fixin' to take Scott to college for the first time. (For all y'all non-Southerners, "fixin'" is kinda like "preparing." I don't want y'all getting behind.)

Anyhoo, we've already started saying our goodbyes to Sarah's friends, and I need to confess that it's a whole lot worse than I envisioned. To protect the innocent, I won't name names but there has been an abundance of tears and nasal discharge (something we Southerners refer to as "slingin' snot" in case you ever hear anybody use that phrase... which I wouldn't do on my blog because some of y'all might consider it undignified). So I'll just say that it's just been HARD. And SAD!

Some of these girls have been friends and neighbors for 14 years! They've been a part of our lives for so many milestones.  We've watched them grow from cute preschoolers to darling second graders to geeky sixth graders to self-conscious ninth graders to gorgeous college co-eds. We have shared LIFE with these girls, and now they are going off to explore new worlds and make new friends and begin lives away from their families. And even with the extensive social networking they embrace, things will change. Many of these girls will remain friends and they'll always share a lot of fun memories, but from this day forward things will be different. And they know it.

SO, in honor of my sweet teenage girlfriends who are headed in a dozen directions, here it is again. With one of mine thrown in for good measure ;)

21 Suggestions For Success
By H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.
2. Work at something you enjoy and that’s worthy of your time and talent.
3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.
6. Be generous.
7. Have a grateful heart.
8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.
9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.
10. Treat everyone you meet the way you want to be treated.
11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.
12. Commit yourself to quality.
13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect.
14. Be loyal.
15. Be honest.
16. Be a self-starter.
17. Be decisive even if it means you’ll sometimes be wrong.
18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.
19. Be hold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did.
20. Take good care of those you love.
21. Don’t do anything that wouldn’t make your Mom proud.

And one more from Suz… remember:
The most dangerous place you’ll ever be is outside the will of God.

Go get 'em, ladies - you're going to be GREAT!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Remembering Karis

My birthday will always be a bittersweet time for me. I shared it with my niece Karis, who went to be with the Lord in February 2009. She was just 7 years old, a perfectly healthy and spunky little pixie, and one day she unexplainably drew her last breath.

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about her, and then breathe a prayer for my sister and brother-in-law. I've seen a lot of grief, but there is none that compares to a parent burying a child. Certain days are harder than others, and birthdays are particularly difficult. As I prayed for them this morning, I was reminded of a phrase that's found in two psalms, "He brought me out into a spacious place..." and I think verses from Psalm 31 make a fitting prayer for today:

Heavenly Father,

Monica and Jerald will be glad and rejoice in Your love, for You see their affliction and know the anguish of their souls. You have not handed them over to the enemy of grief and sorrow, but have brought them out into a spacious place of healing, strength and trust.

Be merciful to them, O LORD, for they are in distress; their eyes grow weak with sorrow, their souls and bodies are weak with grief. Their lives are sometimes consumed by anguish and their years by groaning; their strength fails because of their grief, and their bones grow weak. But they trust in you, O LORD; they say, "You are my God."

Their times are in your hands; deliver them from the grief and sorrow that pursues them. Let Your face shine on Monica and Jerald; save them in Your unfailing love.

In Christ Jesus our Lord,

Happy Birthday Krazy K - we miss you!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Birthday Craziness

Birthdays are special, especially when you're the birthday girl!  So in honor of my birthday, I've decided to do something HIGHLY unusual for me... 
I'm SLEEPING IN.  Yes, my family and close friends know that I'm the queen of the early birds, but I have decreed it -- I am going to stay in the bed until I decide to get up.

I don't do this very often because it brings back memories of recovering from surgery, and that's a phase of my education that I hope is COMPLETE.  Heck, even when I was recovering from surgery I wanted to be up and at 'em by the time Steve left for the office! He needed to know that I had successfully navigated the shower, slipped on my stylish elastic-waisted flannel pajama pants, and that my wounds were properly dressed.  Then we felt all was well... or as well as it COULD BE with a belly full of stitches and a cabinet full of Lortab.

Anyhoo... Sarah is excited that I'm starting the day living on the edge, what with the sleeping-in and all, and she said, "SO... does this mean we can skip the cottage cheese and fruit and have chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and sausage??"

Please.  One scandalous adventure at a time.  Let me get the sleeping-in thing under my belt first.  I'm gonna have to work up to the pancake breakfast ;)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pilgrimage Prayers

I'm not wishing my life away but I can't wait for March 2011 when, good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, I will make my third visit to the Holy Land! This eight-day adventure is a once in a lifetime journey through the land of God's chosen people, and it's a trip that is bathed in prayer and very carefully planned. Israel is a very safe place to be, regardless of the images we see on American television, and walking where our Lord lived and ministered is an experience that is second to none!

There are a LOT of Holy Land tours out there, many of them hosted by internationally known Bible scholars and teachers.  Kay Arthur regularly travels to Israel and Joel Rosenberg has planned a 12-day tour in May 2011.  In fact, we bumped into Chuck Swindoll's tour this past March and were bumped from our hotel in Jerusalem because the Insight For Living tour needed more rooms! This turned out to be a blessing in disguise when we got a hotel upgrade because of them - thank you, Chuck! When we toured Masada we constantly passed Insight groups, so we decided to count them. This task was easy because each was led by a person holding up a sign that identified their color-coded group, and so we counted... and counted... and counted... and stopped at 14! Do the math on that - 14 buses with 30-40 people on each bus... unloading at each site... with bags and cameras and jackets and hats... checking in and out of hotels... with all that luggage to move and identify... Don't get me wrong, I love Chuck and Insight For Living is a wonderful ministry, but it's just plain hard to travel with a group that size!

And that's what makes our tour unique. We purposely take smaller groups because we want to create an atmosphere of community. When you tour with larger groups you HAVE to keep to a fixed schedule for logistical reasons and to accommodate the various sites, but with such large numbers moving at a set pace, it looks more like a cattle drive than a pilgrimage. We intentionally and prayerfully work toward creating community in our group.

Worship in the Shepherd's Caves
in Bethlehem
We plan times of worship, both corporate and private, and we try to keep our schedule flexible enough to allow us to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit. This past trip we had a time of prayer at the pools of Bethesda for one of our pilgrims who had been battling cancer. What a precious time it was to lay hands on him and lift him up in prayer, and to do it at the place where Jesus ministered!

This morning the Holy Spirit impressed on me to compile my list of petitions for the 2011 trip. I thought this was a little bit early to be doing that since we typically start praying about specifics a few months closer to our departure, but I went ahead and wrote them out. These are just a few of the things I am already praying for this trip:

Team: for focus; for us to guard our time in the Word; to be sensitive to the Spirit's leading before, during and after the trip; for our witness to our guide, driver, and hotel staff...

Logistics: for flights and connections and luggage, for a godly tour guide, for good weather and safe travel, for accommodations for worship at particular sites, for a God-ordained moment everyday...

Pilgrims: for the Lord to lead people to this trip, for their hearts to be prepared, that their relationship with the Lord would be deepened and forever changed, for us to bear much fruit with those around us, and to build meaningful relationships and feel a part of the family of God...

Jordan River baptisms
These are just a few of the things our team is praying as we anticipate our 2011 journey. There are lots more pictures - click HERE to see Galilee and click HERE to see Jerusalem and Judea. There is a downloadable brochure at our host's website -  If you are interested in joining us, we would love to talk with you! Please pray about it and contact me for details.

I am already praying for YOU!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

She Speaks, She Writes!

So... here I sit in one of my favorite places (Starbucks) with one of my favorite people (Sandi) doing one of my favorite things (working on our electronic devices).  We are getting connected and interconnected with people and ministries, which translates to cyber-stalking people on Facebook and Twitter!  BUT... we've learned how important social networking can be in ministry, so it's not ALL trivial!

And 'trivial' is one thing that was discussed this weekend.  Trivial may not be sinful, but we've decided that we don't want ANYTHING to take us away from our first love, and that is sitting at the feet of our Lord.

What an amazing conference!!  This was Sandi's first, which is unfortunate because this will be the standard by which all other writer's conferences are measured.  It's not my first, and while the others were informative and encouraging, sometimes they can focus more on the mechanics of speaking and writing than they do the ministry of it.

If there was just one thing I was allowed to say about this Proverbs 31 Ministries conference (and I would beg not to be limited to only one thing, because I have a LOT of words and a LOT of praise to offer this one), I would say that this one is the most Jesus-centered conference I've ever attended.  We listened to seasoned veterans, and in particular Cecil Murphy, who encouraged us to keep after our love of writing and sharing our experiences and our testimonies REGARDLESS of how we feel.  The odds of us becoming published writers or nationally recognized speakers is slim to none, but you never know how your words will be like a pebble in a pond... the initial impact may not seem significant, but the ripple effect could be eternally life-changing.  You never know where the seeds of your testimony will land, but when entrusted in the hands of our all-knowing and all-powerful God, they could take root and grow into majestic oaks of faith in the life of another.

And so I will drive back to Roanoke and she will fly back to Phoenix, but we will never be the same.  Our friendship has deepened, our faith has been strengthened, and our focus has been fixed.  We will take some time to decompress and prayerfully consider the wealth of information we've been saturated with, and we'll try to figure out what He would have us to do first.

And we will do it. Even if it never gets published, or acknowledged, or even mentioned. We will do it simply because we feel a call to make HIM known for Who He is and What He's done in our lives.