Ezekiel 46:26-28
The reunification of the nation of Israel occurred in 1948, a key event in biblical history as zionist leader Chaim Wiezmann became the first Israeli president.
1. The BLESSING of Israel
According to Bible scholar John Phillips, one of the most remarkable things about the nation of Israel is that they are God's timepiece for the world. They also gave us our Bible, our Savior and our church.
Genesis 12 is the account of the calling of Abram (Abraham). God's unconditional covenant with him is just as applicable today as it was then. It wasn't about man's faithfulness to God, but about His faithfulness to us. What He promised to him had three facets:
Personal blessings - property and possessions
National blessings - descendants
Universal blessings - for all people through Jesus
Our relationship with God is also secure because of His faithfulness to us. Does that mean that God doesn't care if we sin? NO - He cares!
Sin won't affect our right standing with God, but it WILL cause us to miss out on His blessings and plans for our lives on earth. It will also effect our eternal blessing and reward, and it will cause us to lose the joy of having an effective ministry here and now. Our relationship with Him isn't only about going to Heaven when we die, but it's about experiencing the full power and blessing of a spirit-filled life here on earth.. Be obedient!
2. The PURPOSE of Israel
Jesus Christ and His redemption of mankind.
Sovereign design of His purpose:
Why Israel and not Egypt, Greece, Turkey or a larger, more powerful nation? He wanted to bring glory to His name so He chose an unlikely tiny nation to reveal His power, faithfulness, mercy and love.
Why Israel and not Egypt, Greece, Turkey or a larger, more powerful nation? He wanted to bring glory to His name so He chose an unlikely tiny nation to reveal His power, faithfulness, mercy and love.
The assault against His purpose:
- The world is united against them, even many in America are more sympathetic with the Muslim world
- God blesses those who bless Israel and curses those who curse her.- She is still in a precarious position with fragile borders and radical, hostile neighbors who are forming alliances against her.
There is a dangerous international dependence on oil exports from the middle east, and there is a growing belief that there are significant oil deposits in Israel. If she has wealth that rivals that of her Arab neighbors, between the hatred of the radical Muslims and the threat of their economic collapse, the stage will be set for global unification. The world will feel the need for a global leader who can bring peace (antichrist). Men will trade freedoms when their hearts are overwhelmed with fear.
3. The RESCUE of Israel
Major prophecies waiting to be fulfilled:
- Reunification of Israel and the expansion of her borders
- Antichrist will make a seven-year peace treaty with them
- Jewish people will rebuild the third Temple in Jerusalem
- Russia and her Islamic allies will invade the nation of Israel when she is at peace
- Antichrist will desecrate the Temple
- Jewish people will flee into the wilderness/mountains
- Two-thirds of Jewish people will perish during the tribulation
- The armies will gather at Megiddo
- Jerusalem will be taken
- Jesus will return and many Jewish people will accept Him as Messiah
- Reunification of Israel and the expansion of her borders
- Antichrist will make a seven-year peace treaty with them
- Jewish people will rebuild the third Temple in Jerusalem
- Russia and her Islamic allies will invade the nation of Israel when she is at peace
- Antichrist will desecrate the Temple
- Jewish people will flee into the wilderness/mountains
- Two-thirds of Jewish people will perish during the tribulation
- The armies will gather at Megiddo
- Jerusalem will be taken
- Jesus will return and many Jewish people will accept Him as Messiah
- Israel is important because God made a covenant with her. If our nation takes a stand against Israel, we should expect God's judgment to come against us.
- There is still only one way for a Jewish or a Gentile person to be saved - believe on the Lord Jesus.
- Christians need to recognize and respect God's covenant and support Israel because of God's covenant.
- Every believe should live with expectancy and excitement that Jesus is coming again
- Rebirth of the nation of Israel and current events remind us that the last days are upon us.
Christ WILL return for His church, and then return to rule over the earth. Will you be ready? Click here to be sure!