Sunday, August 29, 2010

When Jesus Comes Again

These are notes from my pastor's sermon series entitled "Last Days." While I am a copious note-taker (and don't want them to go to waste!), I do NOT intend that they replace Pastor Bryan's preaching! Hopefully they will serve as a helpful outline as you listen to the actual sermon, which is available for viewing here:


For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather. Immediately after the distress of those days " 'the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.' At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations of the earth will mourn. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory." ~Matt 24:27-30 (NASB)

Consider the most significant news events in the past 100 years. For Bible scholars it would include the reunification of the nation of Israel in 1948, but at some point in the future the headline will read "Jesus returned to earth!" He WILL return visibly, physically, personally, suddenly, dramatically, majestically, gloriously and triumphantly! 

The only event that MUST happen before the rapture of the church is the reunification of the nation of Israel, and a series of events will follow that will usher in the tribulation period. It is likely that Israel will be attacked but will be supernaturally protected by the hand of God. An event will occur that allows the antichrist to rise to power and establish a peace treaty in the middle east. It will appear to be a long-lasting treaty, but then the antichrist along with the ten kings from the revived Roman empire will begin to persecute and seek to destroy the Jewish people. They will flee into the mountains as the antichrist begins an evil and maniacal reign. As soldiers converge in the Jezreel valley to fight the battle of Armageddon, Jesus returns and hundreds of millions of unbelievers die as Jesus speaks against them. (Those Christians who manage to live to the end of the Great Tribulation will be spared.) Jesus throws the antichrist and the false prophet into the pit of hell, and Satan is bound in the abyss for 1000 years.

When Jesus sets foot onto the earth for the first time, it will be on the Mount of Olives and He will establish His millennial kingdom of peace with a new world-wide government based in Jerusalem.

1. The EXPECTATION of His Coming
It's important not to confuse the rapture of the church with the second coming of Christ. At the rapture, Jesus comes FOR His church. At His second coming, He comes WITH His church. The saints will return with Him and will be a part of His government.

How can Jesus defeat the armies of the antichrist with a word? Remember that God spoke into the void and the world was created. Jesus spoke to the storms and quieted them. He spoke to the soldiers in the Garden of Gethsemane and they fell to the ground. He spoke to Lazarus and raise him from the dead. A word is all He needs.

1 Thess 5:9 - Christians don't need to be worried about the antichrist or the tribulation period because we'll be with Jesus!

Fast facts about the second coming:
- It's referred to in 23 of the 27 New Testament books
- 318 NT chapters refer to it
- 8x more references to it than for his first coming
- 1,845 explicit references throughout the Bible
- 21 times Jesus talked about it Himself
- 50 times people are encouraged to be ready for His coming.

The first coming was as a Suffering Servant and Savior, the Lamb of God, wrapped in swaddling clothes surrounded by animals and commoners, and His voice was a gently cry.

The second coming will be as a Conquering King in His glory, the Lion of Judah, dressed in robes of righteousness dipped in blood and accompanied by armies of angels and by His church, and His voice will be a roll of thunder.

Be faithful, consistent, DOING and waiting for Him.

2. The REALIZATION of His Coming
Jude 1:14-15 even during the tribulation period there will be those who harden their hearts, even with testimonies of the 144,000 Jewish evangelists and the two witnesses.

Two suppers will take place: 
- the birds' supper of the corpses on the plains of Armageddon, and 
- the wedding supper of the Lamb.

Jesus will reclaim the world and defeat the enemies of God. He will set up His kingdom and reestablish the throne of David.

3. The APPLICATION of His Coming
How audacious is the world to think they could oppose God? He ALWAYS wins!

The study of God's Word helps us have His perspective on our circumstances and know His will. We should be motivated to live for Him and:
1 Thess 4 - encourage the brokenhearted
1 John 2 -  live holy lives
Heb 2 - don't ignore the church
1 cor 11 - take Lord's supper regularly
1 Thess 3 - love others 
1 Cor 4 - don't judge others
Jude 1 - become soul winners

A great time of praise is coming for the nation of Israel. Orthodox Jewish congregations still don't use musical instruments in their worship (Ps 137), but when Messiah comes and establishes His kingdom they will praise Him with all they have!

"Sing, O Daughter of Zion; shout aloud, O Israel! 
Be glad and rejoice with all your heart, O Daughter of Jerusalem!
The Lord has taken away your punishment,
He has taken back your enemy.
The Lord, the King of Israel, is with you;
never again will you fear any harm.
On that day they will say to Jerusalem, 
'Do not fear, O Zion; do not let your hands hang limp. 
The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, 
He will rejoice over you with singing.'"
Zephaniah 3:14-17 (NIV) 

Do you know which of the two suppers you'll attend? Click here to learn how you can be at the wedding supper of the Lamb!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent info! Sounds like your pastor is right on!

    More Antichrist information is available at this website:

    I also have a book on the subject, available at the website, or on Amazon.

    Randy White
