Monday, February 15, 2010

Stand Firm to the End (Mark 13)

I'm so glad the Olympics are on.  I just love the athletes' stories, especially when they've endured hardship and overcome obstacles to reach their goals.  Every one of those athletes had not only talent and vision, but they also had something that was crucial to their success:  encouragement.  As I finish studying and teaching from Mark's gospel, I'm noticing that a lot of what Jesus' last words to his disciples were just that - encouragement to stand firm in the days to come.

We continue with a look at Tuesday of Passion Week.  Jesus taught and encouraged His disciples even though He knew that most of what He told them was going right over their heads.  But thank goodness He did because it was not only important for them to hear, but also for US.

This Tuesday evening Jesus was sitting with Peter, James, John and Andrew on the Mount of Olives overlooking Jerusalem.  What He taught them is referred to as the Olivet Discourse and it is His last recorded teaching.  The next time we see them on the Mount of Olives the circumstances will be VERY different.

The disciples were still in the mindset of an earthly kingdom, although they were beginning to figure out that it wouldn't be smooth sailing.  These four have asked Jesus about some of the signs that would let them know when His kingdom would begin.  As Jesus answers their questions He also gives them some specific instructions:

1.  Watch that no one deceives you.  Many would come claiming to be a savior and deliverer.  There would be wars and rumors, and there would be earthquakes and famines.  But that would only be the beginning.

2.  Be on your guard.  They would be punished by religious authorities as well as civil ones, but they were to be His witness and allow the Holy Spirit to speak through them.  There would be an increase in evil in those days so much so that families would turn on each other, and those who believed would be betrayed by their own family members.

Jesus then talks about some of the things that will happen during the Great Tribulation when the Antichrist comes to power.  This is some seriously scary stuff, especially for the believing Jews in Israel.  There will be an event that will come on suddenly and they will have to flee into the mountains to escape – if you can remember the panic of downtown New York City on Sept 11, 2001 you have the picture.  There will also be celestial chaos as God takes His hand off the order of the heavens.  The Carl Sagans of that day will be at a total loss for how to explain it.

Now that was quite a lot to digest, so Jesus changes gears at this point and I have an idea why He did – I think the disciples had glazed over from information overload!!  I can say that because I’ve seen that look!  Because Jesus was the Master Teacher, He went  back to a style that recaptured their attention (and made it easier to understand): parables.  Matthew and Luke record several of them, but Mark saw the need to only include two:  The fig tree and the servant.

3.  Learn this lesson from the fig tree.  A couple of days before this Jesus had cursed a fruitless fig tree and it died, so no doubt this event was fresh in the disciples’ minds.  Jesus told them that as they saw the fig tree show signs of life and growth that the end was near.  There is a lot of scholarly speculation about this parable but the important thing is that we'll know His coming is near when there is an increase in wars, earthquakes and famines (just to name a few).

4.  Be on guard.  Now Jesus tells them what they DON’T know, even He Himself – the timing.  The parable of the servant warns us to always be ready because we never know when the Master will return.  Keep watch and don't let Him find you sleeping.  (Too bad they didn't remember this on Thursday night.)

5.  Watch!  This is the bottom line of the lesson for ALL of us, regardless of what time in history we live.  And this doesn’t just apply to end-times, but to ANY time.

We will all have tribulation in life so the lessons for us are the same:  Don’t be deceived by what the world says.  Be on guard and don't be surprised when people hate us because we are Christians.  Be a bold witness regardless of what happens.  Learn the lessons from whatever trial we are under and watch that we are living to honor the Lord.  And know that the closer we get to the end the more trouble we should expect, but remember - tribulation won't last forever because Jesus is coming back!!

One of the things that struck me as I studied this passage was Jesus telling them not to be deceived when somebody says “Look, there is the Christ!”  When Jesus returns in His glory NOBODY is going to have to TELL us to look – it will be plain for all the world to see!  Read what John recorded in Rev 19:11 -

“I saw Heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose Rider is called Faithful and True…”  When the Lord rolls back the skies so that Heaven is STANDING OPEN, it’s going to be crystal clear Who it is and why He’s here!


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