Saturday, April 24, 2010

So Long, Insecurity Recap

Just spent a fabulous day with my daughter!  Bless her heart, the poor child has been dragged to nearly every women's event within a 60 mile radius of here, and today was no exception.  My church (First Baptist Roanoke) was a host site for the Beth Moore simulcast that was based on her new book, "So Long, Insecurity - you've been a bad friend to us."  There were 860+ sites around the country and an estimated 300,000 women who heard a message that was life-changing.  The theme (for me) was living out Proverbs 31:25a, "She is clothed in strength and dignity..."

Beth used the word SECURE as an acronym as her teaching outline, and her message was so powerful that I wanted to get my notes down while they were fresh in my mind.  I've done my level best to instill God-confidence in my children and help them to understand that they are precious and special in the eyes of their Lord, but I'm so glad Sarah was there to hear that message because you just can't hear it too many times!!

The scriptural text was Ephesians 4:17-5:2 and centered around casting off the old self and putting on the new.  A secure woman is ...

S - Saved from herself.  I don't remember who this quote was attributed to, but it's great: "The human mind is twisted by idolatrous self-interest."  Left to our own natures our minds will always bend back toward OURSELVES and how things affect us individually, so we have to consciously remind ourselves of who we are in Christ.  When we esteem ourselves as God does then we won't have to worry about how we fit into any social group.

E - Entitled to the truth.  We need to remember who we are in Christ and walk in that truth!  Too many times we tell ourselves, "If I could have __ then I'd be secure... If I could tame __ then I would be happy... If I could achieve __ then..."  The list of lies is endless, so we have to be grounded in the Word and in the truth of who we really are.

C - Clothed with intention.  It's a conscious, daily decision to cast off the old way of thinking and talking and behaving.  We are clothed in strength and dignity, but we don't always remember that!  Since His mercies are new every morning, view each day as a fresh start to be a little better than the day before.

U - Upended by grace.  We only offer grace to the degree we have received it.  If we ourselves don't feel forgiven, we don't forgive others.  If we don't feel esteemed, we don't esteem others.  It's not about how we FEEL, it's about what we KNOW, and we have been lavished with grace and forgiveness!!  We have to walk in that regardless of how we feel.

R - Rebounded by love.  Ephesians 5:1 tells us to be imitators of God, as dearly loved children.  When we realize that we are DEARLY loved, we can show that love to others.

E - Exceptional in life.  We are unique and special and significant and are to live our lives in a way that makes others want what we have. So when we hear broad generalizations like "All women..." or "No woman..." we are to be the exception:
     All women are intimidated by other women... except HER...
     No woman could live through that... except HER...
     No woman could be happy in that situation... except HER...

One thing I always taught Sarah is that it didn't matter what everybody else thought about her, it only mattered what God thought and His thoughts toward her are always loving and are always to bless her and draw her closer to Him.  I think I began to hammer that message into her brain in middle school (guess why!?!?), and she has heard it hundreds of times since.  Now that she is about to leave for college, the message is more important than ever.

Girlfriends, we are dearly loved of God, created in His image, precious in His sight, a one-of-a-kind masterpiece with a life to live for Jesus.  The ultimate Designer has fashioned garments of dignity and strength for His princesses, so put them ON and walk in CONFIDENCE!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the summary, from attendee in Pennsylvania.
