Monday, June 28, 2010

Islamic Jihad - Clear and Present Danger

These are notes from my pastor's sermon series entitled "Last Days."  While I am a copious note-taker (and don't want them to go to waste!), I do NOT intend that they replace Pastor Bryan's preaching! Hopefully they will serve as a helpful outline as you listen to the actual sermon, which is available for viewing here:

April 25, 2010 ~ Dr Bryan Smith, First Baptist Roanoke VA

"There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven... Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken." Luke 21:11,26
"The LORD is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9

Fast Facts:
  • 2nd largest world religion, more Muslims than evangelicals in England, in 2nd largest religion in Eurpoe, rivals Judaism in America
  • Fastest growing religion in the world, more Muslims than Methodists and make up more than 6% of the US population.  The majority of the world Muslim community is in Asia.
  • If current birthrates continue as in present, half the global birthrate in the decades to come will be represented by Muslims.

The Religion of Islam

1. Monotheistic faith - one god, Allah. Many mistakenly believe Allah is the same as Jehovah, but this is NOT true - they are NOT the same.  Belief in ONE god doesn't mean belief in the TRUE God, and as  John 14:6 tells us, JESUS is the way, the truth, and the life and NO ONE comes to the Father except through HIM.

2. Founded by Mohammed in 600AD and based on visions he first believed were from demons. After he had been choked three times, one of his 15 wives convinced him that the angel Gabriel was the messenger of his visions. Because of the polytheistic culture they lived in and the belief that there was only one god, they ‘named’ their god “Allah” after the moon god their family worshiped.  His promotion of Islam turned to military agression where he said that Allah told him to fight people until they became Muslim.  He was on a holy struggle to convert or conquer until his death in 632 AD.

3. Qur'an - holy text of Islam. Mohammed was illiterate, so he memorized the teachings he received and recited them to his followers.  These writings were compiled into the Qur’an and are supplemented by the  Hedith, a collection of sayings and traditions that influence their law, culture and morality.

(The Qur'an and Hedith are not equal to scripture.  The Bible was written by revelation from God to over 40 men over a period of 1500 years, and scripture fits seamlessly together.  The Qur'an and Hedith contradict each other.)

4. The Teachings of Islam, 5 Pillars
  • To recite the Islamic creed (Shahadah) that "there is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is his messenger"
  • To pray while bowing toward Mecca 5x a day (the call to prayer)
  • To fast during the daylight hours of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan
  • To give alms to the poor (2.5% of their income)
  • To make a pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca at least once in one's lifetime 

Some Muslims believe in a 6th pillar, Jihad (holy war), which is basically two battles:  the greater  - the struggle with self, the lesser – the struggle against infidels (nonbelievers). Many Muslims believe the right to wage jihad is a command from Mohammad and is to be obeyed with the goal of worldwide domination. Mohammad was a warrior in his lifetime, as were the caliphs that followed him. Some of our presidents have claimed Islam to be a peaceful religion, but they are mistaken or misguided if they believe the essence of Islam is peace.

5. Two primary sects:  Sunni (moderates, 80%) and the Shiite (15%, radicals).  The primary difference is the belief in who was to succeed Mohammed after his death. Both sects are committed to worldwide expansion of Islam, and both recognize the "Muslim brotherhood," although they've enjoyed less than 200 years of peace since the beginning of the religion 1300 years ago.

Interesting fact:  Iranian president Amadinejad was instructed by and is a member of an ultra-radical Shiite sect that was illegal in the 1980s when the Ayatollah Khomeini was president.

Muslim brotherhood is curious, especially in response to radical terrorist attacks:  even among the moderates there is rarely a condemnation of terrorist acts, and among most Muslim nations there is rejoicing in the streets over the deaths associated with terrorism. When a Muslim converts to faith in Christ, they face the threat of persecution or torture or even death from their neighbors, government or family members.

6. Wahabbism: the growth of Islam by adherance to strict Islamic teachings. Sixty percent of mosques are funded through this movement. As the Muslim community grows, a domed mosque and a towering minaret are constructed as well as a nearby madrasah (school of indoctrination).  The minaret is where the call to prayer is made.  The goal of the movement is to change the community to be more Islamic in nature, and is embraced and promoted by Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.  In fact, besides "Mohammad," "Osama" is one of the most popular boys name among Muslims.

The Role and Reach of Islam in World Events

1. Indoctrination. Millions of children worldwide are being indoctrinated in the teachings of the Qur'an and Shari'a law in madrasahs. Compare these numbers: there are currently 24,000 public schools and colleges in America; while in the Muslim country of Indonesia alone, there are 37,362 madrasahs and most are controlled by Muslim clerics.  As some American schools are banning Christianity, others are growing in acceptance of Islam by allowing Muslim students to openly practice their faith and introduce others to it.

2. Chaos. The teaching of Islam is to eradicate the world of infidels, foremost are Christians and Jews, and to create worldwide chaos that will usher in their promised ‘messiah’ or ‘mahdi’ (may-DIE), the 12th Imam.  Muslims believe that he has been hidden by God and will come back and rule at the end of the world.  He will bring an end to tyranny and injustice (and some believe that Jesus will come in behind him to help).

3. Jihad. Part of the chaos that the radical Muslims hope to bring on is the destruction of the Great Satan (United States) and the Little Satan (Israel).  It’s believed that 20% of Muslims worldwide are radicals, an estimated 300 million. Muslim extremists believe that if you die in jihad, you are guaranteed to enter paradise.

Iranian president Amadinejhad denies the Jewish Holocaust, but then demands war against Jews and Christians for the purpose of ushering in the 12th Imam. This hatred of the west appears to be at its apex, and the events of Sept 11th are seen by some as the beginnings of the bloody confrontation that will bring the chaos desired by Islamic extremists.

4. "Evangelism." Islam is the fastest growing world religion due to the peaceful movement of Muslims into a country, and through evangelism and high birth rates the country is converted into an islamic state.

Interesting birth rate statistics:  For a culture to sustain itself, its birthrate culture must be AT LEAST 2.11.  The United States is currently 2.11 ONLY because of the Hispanic demographic.  The point-of-no-return birthrate percentage for a culture is 1.8 at which point that culture will cease to exist.  Canada is at 1.5, the average European birthrate (France, Spain, Germany, Italy, GB, etc) is 1.38. The corresponding birthrate of Muslims is an impressive 5.0, which easily makes it the fastest growing religion in Europe.

5. Opposition of Israel. According to the prophecy recorded in Ezekiel 38-39 (battle of Armeggedon), every nation listed is now primarily Muslim except for Russia, but in a few years nearly 40% of the Russian army will be Muslim.  There is a prophetic coming together of Islamic nations with the common goal of Israel's destruction.

The Responsibility of the Church toward Islam

1. Preach the truth courageously.  DO NOT COMPROMISE the message of the hope of the Gospel.  Allah is NOT Jehovah, and beware of any attempts to equate them.

2. Remember that the warfare is spiritual.  “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. “ ~Eph 6:1

The vast majority of Muslims in the world are NOT on a violent jihad, and are "nominal" in their beliefs or are Muslims in name-only.  They don't hold to all the beliefs and tenets, just as many who call themselves "Christian" aren't followers of Jesus. Many are kind and benevolent and choose to interpret the Qur'an only in a spiritual and allegorical fashion.

3. Remember that God loves Muslims and wants them to be saved. “The Lord is… patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”  ~2 Peter 3:9

If you don't know where you would spend eternity, click HERE to read my testimony.  Jesus LOVES you so much He gave His LIFE for you!!

1 comment:

  1. Allah & Mohammed.
    It always amazes me how the devil attempts to be a god yet always falls short of the true God.

    2. Chaos: Muslims believe that he didn’t die in the 800s, but was hidden by God and will come back and rule at the end of the world. Another attempt of resurrection that falls very short of our Lord Jesus Christ. The next one will be the "beast being wounded, as if to die, and reappearing. Did you know there are two beasts mentioned in Revelation?

    I wonder why he did not mention that Arabic's are descendants of Ishmael? It is mentioned in Genesis-I don't remember exactly where- that one of Ishmael's descendants tribes couldn't get along with anyone. Go figure.

    God promised that Ishmael would also be a great nation. The promise to Abraham was fulfilled, not only through Issac, but through Ishmael too. This is the plan God has had all along. To usher in salvation through Jesus Christ and to have that final battle against sin. I anxiously await the Rapture. Maranatha my friend.

    No need to post this one either. I sometimes feel unqualified to believe what I believe because I am not as educated as some. I am then reminded that God has taught me everything I know...Who better to learn from?
