Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Secret Need

Occasionally a thought wave will crash over me and stay in my head all day until I get it down.  I usually try to organize my ideas so I can have a (somewhat) coherent train of thought, but this isn't one of those times.  I have no idea who this is for, but I have to get it out so I can get to the gym and then finish up the stuff for the day!

You have an emptiness in your heart that you're trying to fill with the wrong things.  The "thing" itself might be bad (substances, pornography, replaying events from your past that are hurtful, etc) but it might be GOOD "thing" (activities, hobbies, friendships, relationships, children, etc).  The problem is that you may have unrealistic expectations of the "thing."

You think this "thing" is going to help make you feel happy and fulfilled.  It's given you some pleasure or even joy, but you're expecting too much from it.  You are getting frustrated because your focus is off.  This "thing" is never going to bring you lasting happiness and fill the emptiness in your heart because it CAN'T.  The emptiness is an ache that can only be filled by GOD.  

God sees you and He's the only One who knows the root of your emptiness.  YOU can't even fully understand it yourself, but He does.  Take a step back and look at the "thing."  Is it a blessing - something that God has provided for you and something that's beneficial?  Or is it a curse - something that is sinful, maybe a temptation you've succumbed to, and something that will hurt you??

Pray and ask the Lord to lead you into fellowship with Him, and ask Him to reveal the root of the emptiness to you.  It may take days or weeks, and you may decide you need professional Christian counseling, but ask Him to help you to have some perspective and see the big picture of your life and your SELF.  Read Psalm 139 and pray back the last two verses:  Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in Your everlasting way.

If the "thing" is a blessing, then thank God for entrusting you with it, and ask Him to show you how to keep it in perspective.  It's useful in some respect, but you're spending too much time on it.  If the "thing" is a curse, then ask God to take away the desire for it and give you the strength to give it up.  (Get help and  godly counsel if you're struggling with a physical dependency!!)  Then sit still and quiet before Him and ask Him to overwhelm you with His presence, and to strengthen you and fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit so that your focus can be Him and Him ALONE.

He keeps us in perfect peace when our minds and thoughts are fixed on HIM, not "things."  When the "thing" begins to get bigger than it should, ask Him for a gentle reminder and then turn your focus back to Him.  

"You are the God Who sees me, Who knows me in my innermost being, and Who loves me with an everlasting love. Fill me with Your Spirit and lead me in Your everlasting way." Gen 16:13, Ps 139:13, Ps 103:17, Ps 139:24

(Hope this didn't sound too preachy, but somebody needed to hear it. And if you're struggling with a serious physical, emotional or sexual addiction, PLEASE get profession help.)

1 comment:

  1. Another great collection of truths. I always need a nudge at some level even if I don't have an addiction I sure have the capability to. Thanks.

